



中国有虎的成语就多了。例如,赖恬昌选译的“Selected Chinese Sayings”(《成语选译》)就选了有虎的成语十六句之多。

“骑虎难下”——直译为:“It is difficult to get off the back of a tiger”,意译为:“To have or hold a wolf by the ear”。

“九牛二虎”——直译为:“Nine oxen and two tigers”,意译为:“Great strength”,“Herculean”。

“狐假虎威”——直译为:“The fox "borrowing" the awe of the tiger”,意译为:“To assume someone else's authority as one's own”,“To browbeat others by virtue of one's position”,“The ass in the lion's skin”。

“虎父无犬子”——直译为:“A tiger does not produce a dog”,意译为:“A wise goose never lays a tame egg”,“Eagles do not breed doves”。

“虎口余生”——直译为:“A narrow escape from a tiger's mouth”,意译为:“snatched from the jaws of death”。

“虎视眈眈”——直译为:“To glare like a tiger”,意译为:“Covetous”。

“虎头蛇尾”——直译为:“A tiger's head but a serpent's tail”,意译为:“Pretentious beginnings but poor results”,“Ending in smoke”。

“虎尾春冰”——直译为:“The tiger's tail and the ice of spring”,意译为:“To be extremely cautious in a dangerous position”。

“画虎类犬”——直译为:“His drawing of the tiger resembles the dog”,意译为:“Bad imitation”。

“苛政猛于虎”——直译为:“An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger”。

“不入虎穴焉得虎子”——直译为:“If you do not venture into a tiger's den, how can you get the tiger's cub”,意译为:“Nothing venture, nothing gain”。

“三人成虎”——直译为:“Three persons make a tiger”,意译为:“Fiction repeated often enough will be taken for fact”。

“谈虎色变”——直译为:“To turn pale at the mention of the tiger”,意译为:“A burnt child (dreads the fire)”。

“调虎离山”——直译为:“To get a tiger to leave the mountains”,意译为:“To lure the enemy away from his base”。

“为虎作伥”——直译为:“To act as guide to tiger”,意译为:“To hold a candle to the devil”。

“为虎傅翼”——直译为:“To give wings to a tiger”,意译为:“To give courage to evil-doers”。语出《周书寤儆》。
